
St Peter is ‘the rock’ upon which our faith is built. Accordingly, RE is the “core of the core curriculum” (Pope St John Paul II) at St Peter’s Roman  Catholic High School. We teach pupils about religion so that they may come to see the key relationship between faith, modern culture, human knowledge and society.

Religion has shaped everyday life, politics, science, art, law and international relations, and it continues to do so, either directly or through its absence. Pupils will clearly understand their own and other religions, developing socially, morally, spiritually and culturally. They will grow to know themselves and know how the world is intertwined with faith to live their Catholic vocation and positively impact the challenging society they will mature into.


In the faith life of the Catholic school, Religious Education plays a central and vital part.  However, this does not replace the role of the parents, who are the Catholic faith's first and most important teachers. The parents take their children for their baptism in the Catholic faith, and the parents act as role models for their children, encouraging them to grow in the knowledge and practice of their religion.

We like to partner with the family and ensure pupils see the beliefs and values taught in R.E. lived out in the home and family. To this end, we see the support of parents for all R.E. and spiritual enrichment as vital to the Catholic Ethos of the school.

R.E., as well as being a robust academic subject, is the core/foundation for everything in our lives.  Reflecting this "lived faith", the department provides unique visits, trips and initiatives to celebrate the liturgical year. We hope that these occasions strengthen the faith of our pupils.

The R.E. course aims to facilitate pupils on their faith journey and provide an environment that encourages the development of their faith and the understanding of other religions in our multi-faith society.  Understanding and tolerating other faiths is central to living as a Christian citizen in our global community.  Pupils also need to know how religion impacts how people live their lives—ultimately, learning from religion and about religion.

The course for KS3 follows the Archdiocesan programme, ‘People of God,’ prescribed by the Catholic Education Service.  Pupils will be encouraged to develop skills such as self-management, thinking and problem-solving, managing information, working with others and being creative. Work in R.E. will include research, group work, use of ICT to generate homework or project work, collage, extended writing, creative writing, role play, media analysis, and empathy. In addition, they will examine various world faiths, including Hinduism, Judaism and Islam. There will be regular formative and summative assessments as this subject is valued alongside the other academic subjects and is considered one of the four core subjects at St. Peter's.  All pupils will be tested, and progress will be monitored. Pupils will be expected to do homework and revise course content regularly.

At KS4, pupils will follow the ‘Edexcel examination syllabus ‘Specification A’ and study three papers. The course focuses on Catholic Christianity, including beliefs, teachings, practices, sources of wisdom and expressions of faith, and the study of Jewish beliefs, teachings and practices. In addition, pupils study arguments for the existence of God and marriage and relationships in the twenty-first century.  Religious Education is essential if a person is to live effectively and faithfully in our modern world. We hope that in studying these topics, our pupils will realise the relevance and importance of R.E. lessons which aim to equip pupils to understand and evaluate life and faith in contemporary society.

Pupils are expected to complete formative assessments regularly and end-of-module tests at the end of each unit of work, along with a mock examination at the end of Year 10 and midway through Year 11. The course will culminate with three exams at the end of Year 11. Pupils are taught in groups according to their ability level and are encouraged to achieve their full potential. This examination course, whilst allowing pupils to enhance their academic achievement, also focuses on the knowledge, understanding, and evaluation skills essential if our pupils are to grow spiritually and develop their faith for their future lives.

The Archdiocese of Liverpool’s Christian Education Department inspected the school and department in June 2014 under Section 48. The overall effectiveness judgement was that “St. Peter’s provides Outstanding Catholic Education”. The full report is available via our website under ‘Key information’.

The school also received a Section 48 inspection visit at the end of 2019, and the school’s provision for Catholic Education was again judged Outstanding.

Pupils have RE for 3x 50 minutes a week which is 10% of their timetable

R.E. is taught in its purpose-built suite of five classrooms with the RE office and store room on the same landing.

Mr G Bowden

Head of Department

Mr M Crompton

Mrs K Houghton

School Lay Chaplain

Mrs K Middleton

2nd in Department
Assistant Professional Mentor ECF

Mrs L Town

Mr S Glymond-Magill

Key Stage 3 Curriculum Map


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Year 7

How can we know what is true?
Who is God?
This unit explores what we mean by God and revelation.

Is Jesus special?
Who is Jesus?
This unit explores the historical facts about Jesus and what Jesus means for Christians today.

Is there more to life than meets the eye?
What are the signs of Catholic identity?
This unit explores sacramental imagination and how Catholics live out Baptism and the Eucharist.

Is there more to life than meets the eye?
What are the signs of Catholic identity?
This unit explores sacramental imagination and how Catholics live out Baptism and the Eucharist.

What are the joys and challenges of life?
What are the joys and challenges of living as people of God?
This unit explores the joys and challenges of living as people of God both in the past and the present.

What are the Hindu signs of identity?
This unit explores Hindu identity and practice in Britain today.

Year 8

Why do promises matter?
What does it mean to be a Covenant People?
This unit explores Covenant history

What are the signs of identity for Jewish people?
This unit explores Jewish identity and practice in Britain today.

Can one person change the world?
How is Jesus the New Covenant?
This unit explores the new Covenant

Why do we celebrate?
How do we live as Covenant People?
This unit explores Eucharist as celebration and sacrifice

Are there limits to forgiveness?
How do we live out reconciliation?
This unit explores forgiveness and reconciliation
How do we know what’s fair?
How do we meet the challenge to live justly?
This unit explores Catholic Social Teaching and putting faith into action.

An Islamic focus
This unit explores Muslim identity and practice of Islam in Britain today.

Year 9

How do we make sense of the world?
Do faith and science conflict?

What should I do with my life?
What are we called to be?

Why is there suffering?
How is God revealed through suffering?

Is all life of value?
How do we respect the sanctity of life?


Paper 1

Catholic Beliefs and Teachings


Paper 1

Catholic Beliefs and Teachings

Key Stage 4 Curriculum Map


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Year 10

Catholic Practices

Catholic Sources of Wisdom and authority

Catholic Forms of expression and Ways of Life

Judaism: Beliefs and teachings

Judaism: Practices

Judaism: Practices

Year 11

Arguments for the existence of God

Marriage and relationships in 21 century.






The exam board is EDEXCEL

The course will consist of:

  • Paper 1  (1 X 1hr 45 minute exam) 50% of final GCSE grade.
  • Paper 2 (1x 50 minute exam) 25% of final GCSE grade
  • Paper 3 1x 50 minute exam) 25% of final GCSE grade

The current (9-1) specification covers the following topics at GCSE level:

  • Catholic Beliefs and teachings
  • Catholic Practices
  • Catholic Sources of Wisdom and authority
  • Catholic Forms of expression and Ways of Life
  • Judaism: Beliefs and teachings
  • Judaism: Practices
  • Catholic Christianity: Existence of God
  • Catholic Christianity: Relationships and Families in the 21st Century


Revision web sites or in school resources

  • Edexcel Hodder:  Faith and Practice in the 21st Century Victor W. Watton  Revision Guide January 2018 publication
  • GCSE Catholic Christianity ‘Kerboodle’ Oxford text book digital online version.

Where does it lead

  • Pupils who study RE can progress to careers in teaching, law, charity work, administration, social work, Theology
  • R.E. asks you to consider the ‘Big questions’ in life. Employer’s like mature people.
  • Pupils will be learning and using skills that will serve them well in life and make them attractive to Further Education providers and employers. These are; memorising information/concepts, empathising, analysing, interpreting, evaluating, appraising, clearly expressing, describing, explaining and gathering/selecting relevant material.

A good grade in the RE GCSE shows further education providers and employers that pupils have been sensitive to and committed to the catholic ethos of the school.

What our students and parents say

The following is from the 2017 departmental review parental opinion section.

  • Their children enjoy their RE lessons; they are fun, not boring.
  • The RE staff values their children.
  • RE staff foster an open, safe environment that encourages discussion and opinion.
  • RE for their children is about engaging in real-life issues that they can evaluate against their faith and the teaching of the Catholic Church, not just about praying.
  • RE lessons make their children think and question; philosophical debates take place in lessons and follow on at home. 

Updated: Mar 2023