ASPENS provide the Catering Service at St Peter’s Catholic High School.
- Breakfast service is available to everyone from the KS3 canteen from 8am until 8.50am. The canteen serves light, healthy snacks and hot toasted items along with hot and cold drinks, which is ideal for students who arrive at school early.
- Break time service is in both canteens from 11:00am-11:15am.
- Lunchtime service is in both canteens from 12:55pm-1:40pm.
- For Years 7, 8 and 9, the Drama Theatre space is used as an overspill at busy times.
- Students in Years 10 and 11 can purchase food from the Dine Pod, which overlooks the KS4 covered area. Currently, Y7, Y8 and Y9 students cannot buy food from the Dine Pod.
- Top up regularly so that your child has enough money in their account to buy food.
- Ensure your child respects others in the canteens when queuing for food and eating.
- Ensure your child puts any litter and food waste into the bins provided.
- Ensure your child leaves tables clean and tidy after use.
Menus & Information
St Peter’s was previously awarded the Inspiring IAG Gold Award for its Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance to all its pupils. Our published information is reviewed annually, and the next review is currently taking place.
“St Peter’s is an aspirational school and seeks to empower students with a sense that anything is possible; CEIAG plays a fundamental role in this. The delivery model of CEIAG is a varied and mixed one but also has a personalised approach, including offering a well organised and supported alternative provision offer. I am delighted to recommend that St Peter’s Catholic High School achieves the full award of The Quality in Careers Standard, as delivered by Inspiring IAG.” - Inspiring IAG Assessment Report Summary
St Peter’s Careers Lead is Mrs Nova Maloney, who can be contacted at or on 01942 747693. Mrs Maloney supports all pupils in their transition from School and helps them make informed and aspirational decisions about their future.
All Year 11 pupils will have at least one appointment with Mrs Maloney during the first half of the year; other years can access advice and guidance at all other times.
At the core of all the careers work is the belief that quality CEIAG has a positive effect on student engagement, attitudes, and outcomes. The careers programme is comprehensive, and CEIAG is delivered through Curriculum for Life (C4L) lessons and extracurricular programmes.
For the summary of the careers programme, please click on the CEIAG in C4L and Extra-curricular events links below.
For how the school measures and assesses the impact of the careers programme on pupils, please click on the Activity Survey 2023 and the Evaluations from young people, staff and parents/carers.
If you think you could add to our outstanding provision by providing further career support for our pupils, please see the Provider Access Policy in the Policies section of our Key Information page to contact us and make arrangements.
Here is some feedback from the many visits and activities we hold each year.
Year 10 - College Visits
What new skills did you learn during Sampling days?
- “I learnt to work with people I wouldn’t normally work with”
- “Time management”
- “I became better at communication and leadership whilst sampling at College”
- “I really enjoyed the practical subjects I had chosen as it was the first time I had tried them”
Did Sampling Colleges help you with your choices for the future?
- “Yes, it was great to get an idea what College is like”
- “Definitely, I was able to see what each College offered and the difference between them”
- “Yes, it helped expand my views on the skills I need to succeed.”
Careers Fair 2024
Pupil feedback
Staff Feedback
Did you feel there was enough diversity in stands for the pupils?
- Yes. There were a lot of different careers on offer and when I was in with Y11 they were engaging with lots of the stand
Attendees Feedback
What did you like most about the event?
- The interactions from students and the high level of behaviour. Students are representing the school with pride and are destined to succeed with the care and support they are getting from staff
- The students were very well behaved and prepared. They showed an interest and asked lots of good questions
- The students were asking lots of questions which was really positive
Mock Interview Evening 2023
Pupil evaluations
What have you learned from this experience?
- "I have a better view of the job I have chosen, and I know which steps I should take next"
- "That challenges are exciting and you shouldn't be afraid of something new"
- "How an interview is structured, what to expect, how to conduct myself for an interview."
- "I've learned there is no reason to stress or worry prior to the interview, and that my answers will flow as the interview happens. I also learned a little more about career pathways and some advice for the future."
- "How to start progressing in the career I chose"
Interviewers evaluations
How do you feel the pupils conducted themselves?
- "Incredibly well, I was pleasantly surprised by the level of confidence and how self-assured some of the students are"
- "Well mannered, nervous but prepared"
- "I thought all the candidates were excellent in terms of the seriousness with which they approached the process and in how they received and processed feedback."
- "Brilliantly! It was a pleasure meeting all of them"
Life Days
Pupil Feedback - Which piece of information has been most useful to you today?
Year 7
“Probably the Whysup presentation because it was a hard situation the person went through and now he is inspiring young people to open up about how they are feeling and to always express your emotions and never hide them within yourself.”
Year 8
“I Think Xello, Whysup and Doing it for Dylan because they were all equally as good but I couldn't really compare them and pick the best one because Xello was informative and fun, whysup was informative and inspiring and Doing it for Dylan was inspiring and heartfelt and power full!”
Year 9
“The police one because I learned about laws I didn't know before.”
“That everything we do will have a consequence, whether it be good or bad”
“That you could hurt someone by just one punch and you are equally guilty for being there and doing nothing to stop the violence”
Year 10
“The mental health and stress sessions were very informative”
“To not let what others say define who you are. Also, to not care too much about how other people see you”
“How bad decisions around alcohol and drugs can affect people’s lives”
Year 11
100% of pupils agreed that they are now more aware of:
- County Lines
- Joint Enterprise
- How any involvement in crime affects their family
- Prison Life
- Reality of knives, guns and gangs
“I began to think about how my actions could greatly impact my future.”
Whole School Careers Fair January 2023
How did you enjoy the day?
- "There were a lot of interesting companies and colleges"
- "It let me have the opportunity to learn more about careers and what I might want to do when I am older"
- "The Careers fair was really helpful and the people there answered all of my questions"
What piece of information was most beneficial to you?
- "To explore more opportunities"
- "How they described their jobs or universities or colleges in detail"
- "How my options would help me in future"
- "Both male and female can do any job"
- "How did they get into the job"
- "The information which was most beneficial to me was the qualifications needed for a certain course and these qualifications were explained by each person very well"
St Peter’s has a dedicated Level 6 qualified advisor in Careers Advice and Guidance in school every day, Mrs Nova Maloney. She works with all year groups to ensure they have the maximum exposure to Industry, Employers, and Further Education we can give our pupils.
Years 7 and 8 complete Career plans to help us understand what our pupils are thinking about when they leave school. This information is invaluable when we organise regular Employer-led drop-in sessions, which allow all years to meet with and ask questions. Also, years 9, 10, and 11 attend Career Fairs, Skills shows, Apprenticeship events, and College days!
Our School Careers Fair is in October, with local Colleges, Employers and Industry leaders attending. It is a fantastic way for all of our pupils to find out more about what is available to them in the future.
All Year 11 pupils will have at least one 1:1 appointment during the first half of the year to support them with the transition from School, and Mrs Maloney is available to all years for pupils to drop in and ask questions.
Year 11 also have an opportunity to be interviewed for their dream job during our ‘Mock Interview’ evening. Professionals from their chosen industry interview the pupils, giving them invaluable experience of a professional interview and the opportunity to ask questions.
Mrs Maloney
Event |
Years |
Primary Speed networking |
6 & 10 |
College led assemblies |
11 |
Career planning (Xello) |
7-11 |
St. Peter’s Careers Fair |
7-11 |
Mock Interview Evening |
11 |
Lunch-time Career, Industry & Vocational Cafes |
7-11 |
Options Evening |
9 |
GM Higher University Visit |
8 - 9 |
Sampling days at colleges |
10 |
Industry Visits |
10 |
University Visits |
10 |
Apprenticeship Show |
11 |
Workplace Challenge |
10 |
Design a University Enterprise Challenge |
10 |
Having a dedicated person in school each day allows us to attend numerous other events each year.
We are regularly invited in by local colleges to experience college life, explore vocations and expand the pupils’ aspirations.
What are A levels?
A-levels are traditional qualifications offered by colleges and 6th Forms. They mainly focus on academic subjects and are considered excellent general academic qualifications valued by employers and universities.
What to expect...
A-Levels can give young people a chance to find out about their favourite GCSE subjects in greater depth or perhaps study one of the subjects that many schools and colleges only offer at A Level, such as Law, Economics or Psychology. Expect lots of time reading and writing assignments. A Levels are good qualifications for entry to higher education. Each A Level earns UCAS tariff points, which count towards university entry.
How are they assessed?
A-levels are assessed through examinations. Some courses may have a small amount of coursework, but this depends on the subject. You will need to ask about each subject before making your final decision.
What can they lead to?
A-Level students usually intend to progress to university after their studies. However, this is not the only choice, as the need for Higher Apprenticeships has increased along with applying for regular work.
What are T Levels?
T Levels are two-year technical programmes designed with employers to give young people the skills that industries need. The 'T' stands for technical, and from 2020, T Levels will provide 16 to 19 -year olds a technical alternative to A levels. One T Level is equivalent to 3 A levels and includes industry placements of a minimum of 45 days.
What to expect?
T Level programmes will provide students with broad knowledge, skills and behaviours necessary for employment in an occupation or industry related to their field of study. They will have an opportunity to develop specialist technical skills relevant to at least one occupation, and they provide a progression pathway to skilled employment, higher or degree-level apprenticeships and higher-level education.
How are they assessed?
Continual assessment using practical observations. Written assignments and an Employer-led project.
What can they lead to?
You can progress onto University after completing the course or a Higher Degree apprenticeship.
What is a vocational course?
Level 3 BTECs (and OCR, City and Guilds) are vocational qualifications available in various subjects. People choose these courses if they are interested in learning more about a particular sector or industry. The qualifications offer a mix of theory and practice and can also include an element of work experience.
What to expect...
Most courses are for 1 or 2 years. Level 3 vocational qualifications can be studied instead of, or in combination with, A Levels. At Level 3, many of these qualifications are awarded UCAS tariff points for entry to higher education.
How are they assessed?
Different assessment methods are likely to be used - such as assignments, tests, observations of learner performance, role-play, work-based assessment, and production of visual or audio materials and products. Generally, assessment is less exam-based and more coursework and project-focused.
What can they lead to?
Vocational qualifications prepare you for further learning and work, but you can also study for higher-level qualifications at University; you will need to check the entry requirements for courses as they differ.
What is an Apprenticeship?
An apprenticeship is work-based learning. An apprentice is employed by a company that also provides a college education to achieve further qualifications. You can attend college from 1 day a week to block release depending on the nature of the job. Traineeships are usually approximately sixteen weeks of on-the-job training to improve a student's employability before embarking on an apprenticeship.
What to expect...
You can attend college from 1 day a week to block release depending on the nature of the job. You will be paid, ordinarily, minimum wage, and apprenticeships can be 1 - 4 years long.
How are they assessed?
Continual assessment during the apprenticeship both at work and college. Details will be confirmed with your employer.
What can they lead to?
Most companies continue the employment of the student after apprenticeship completion. Some companies also offer further education up to degree level.
A Levels |
T Levels |
Apprenticeship |
Vocational |
Entry Requirements |
These depend on the subject. Most courses ask for a minimum of 6 GCSE’s grades 4 and above. There are some exceptions, so always check each college. |
Most courses ask for a minimum of 5 GCSE’s graded at 4-9 including Maths & English and the subject you are studying |
You must be between 16-24 years old. Each apprenticeship has different requirements so research is advised. The better GCSE results you get, the more opportunities you will have. |
These depend on where you study, the subject and the level of the qualification. To do a Level 2 course you will generally need four GCSE’s at grade 3-9, a Level 3 course will require five GCSE’s at grade 4-9. |
Local Providers |
Wigan & Leigh College St John Rigby College Runshaw College
Applying for an apprenticeship is like applying for a job. You must register with the National Apprenticeship Service to be able to view most of the vacancies in the area. There are also training providers who can help with the search:
For more information |
For general information about A levels, visit:
For information on what A level some University courses require,visit:
Speak to your subject teachers.
Make an appointment with the Careers advisor. |
For more information Introduction of T Levels - GOV.UK (
Speak to the Careers Advisor/Futures Coordinator |
For general information on apprenticeships, visit:
To apply for an apprenticeship in the area, register at: |
Visit the websites for all thecolleges that you are interested in.
Attend the open events and experience subjects.
Look through the prospectus and get to know the courses you are interested in. |
The National Careers Service website
Learn Live - Live Jobs Feed
Other Information
Careerometer can explore and compare key information about occupations, help you learn about different occupations and identify potential careers. It provides access to a selection of UK headline data relating to pay, weekly hours of work, future employment prospects for different occupations, and description of the occupation. Simply type in the job title you are interested in, and the widget will provide a series of options from which you can select the most relevant to you. You can then look up other occupations and compare. You can also select ‘display the UK average’ and compare the information with your chosen occupation.
Parents information about the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme can be found here:
If you require further information, please contact school and ask for Mrs Pilkington.
Asking For Contributions From Parents To School
We may from time to time, ask for payments or voluntary contributions towards the school or school activities. If an activity cannot be funded without voluntary contributions, we will make this clear to parents at the outset. We will also make it clear that there is no obligation for parents to make a contribution, and notify parents if assistance is available.
No child will be excluded from an activity simply because their parents are unwilling or unable to pay. If a parent is unwilling or unable to pay, their child will still be given an equal opportunity to take part in the activity. If insufficient voluntary contributions are raised to fund an activity, and the school cannot fund it via another source, the activity will be cancelled.
Assistance For Families on Low Incomes
We will strive to ensure that parents do not feel pressurised into making voluntary contributions. Cases of financial hardship will be treated discreetly and sympathetically. We have set aside a small fund to enable families in financial difficulty to send their children on visits/activities. The funding is limited and there is no guarantee that all requests can be met. Assistance will be allocated on a needs basis, and if the full cost of the trip/activity cannot be met through assistance funding and voluntary contributions, the trip/activity will be cancelled.
Parents in receipt of any of the following benefits may request assistance with the costs of activities: (proof of benefit must be provided before assistance is granted):
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit, provided that they are not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and they have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190
- Working Tax Credit run on – paid for four weeks after they stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit.
- Universal Credit – if they apply on or after 1 April 2018, their household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits they receive)
To request assistance, parents should contact the Finance Office by telephoning 01942 747693, ext. 309 or alternatively send an email to:
How To Make a Contribution to School
We offer parents the facility to make payments and voluntary contributions for activities via a secure internet payment system called SCOPAY provided by Tucasi. Payment by this system includes parental consent for the pupil to attend the trip/activity and alleviates the need to return a hard copy permission slip. Receipts are also issued by email. When making payments and contributions to school, parents are encouraged to use this online payments facility because:
- It is quick and easy to use.
- Payments can be made at any time (even when the school is closed) and balances viewed 24/7.
- You will have access to your own private account history at any time.
- There is no more searching for cash.
- It reduces the risk of cash and cheques being lost or stolen.
- All major credit/debit cards are accepted.
For further assistance in setting up your account, please contact the School’s Finance Office on 01942 747693 ext. 309. Alternatively the School’s Cash Office (where we collect monies from pupils) will be open on Mondays and Wednesdays only between 8.30am and 9.00am and between 10.55am and 11.10am. The Cash Office will be closed at all other times and payments will not be accepted on any other days. This does not affect pupils bringing cash into school and using the pay loaders to top up their food accounts. Cheques should be made payable to ‘St Peter’s Catholic High School’.
Bus Information
Transport for Greater Manchester has a transport hub specifically for St Peter's, detailing bus numbers, routes, ticket options, and prices.
Click here to take a look.
You can also check whether your child is eligible for a free school bus pass, as well as apply, through your local council:
Wigan Council - Lancashire Council - St Helens Council
School Trips
Throughout the 5 years that students attend St Peter's, there are several opportunities for them to go on educational (and recreational) trips, including local and international destinations.
All our school trips have educational value but are primarily for enrichment and are not part of the National Curriculum.
The table below will enable parents to plan ahead and budget for any residential trips that may be offered during your child's 5 years at St Peter's.
Any pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium Funding may qualify for financial assistance
These trips run subject to sufficient interest to make them viable and we cannot guarantee that all the trips will take place over the 2 year cycle.
Trip |
Department/Type of Trip? |
When does the trip run? |
Approximate Cost |
The Year in which your child will go on the trip? |
The year in which your child be in will receive the letter? |
Anticipated time of Year the trip will go. |
Number of days/nights |
Paris/London |
Year 7 Pastoral Trip |
Yearly |
£600 |
Y7 |
Y7 |
July |
4 days-3 nights |
Holland |
PE Sports Tour |
Biennial |
£650 |
Y9 & Y10 |
Y8 or Y9 |
October ½ Term |
5 days-4 nights |
Normandy |
French Immersion Trip |
Yearly |
£550 |
Y9 |
Y8 |
March |
6 days- 5 nights |
Murcia (For pupils who study Spanish) |
Spanish Immersion Trip |
Yearly |
£710 |
Y9 |
Y8 |
October |
5 days-4 nights |
Rome |
History & RE Trip |
Biennial |
£800 |
Y10 or Y111 |
Y9 or Y10 |
March |
4 days-3 nights |
Poland (Auschwitz)/ Belgium (WW1 Battlefield) These trips run alternate years. |
History Trip |
Biennial |
Belgium - £450 Poland - £650 |
Y10 or Y11 |
Y9 or Y10 |
September |
5 days-4 nights |
Iceland |
Geography Trip |
Biennial |
£850 |
Y10 or Y11 |
Y9 or Y10 |
March |
4 days-3 nights |
America |
Ski Trip |
Biennial |
£1800 |
Y10 or Y11 |
Y9 or Y10 (September 2022) |
February ½ Term or Easter |
8 days – 7 nights |
London |
History Trip |
Yearly |
£220 |
Y11 |
Y11 |
January |
2 days – 1 night |
London |
Performing Arts |
Yearly |
£500 |
Y11 |
Y10 |
March |
3 days – 2 nights |